Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Google launches new expandable featured snippets with more information

Google launches new expandable featured snippets with more information

The new featured snippets offer collective access to additional sources about a search query.

Google has announced a new shape of featured snippets intended at presenting more helpful aspects of the subject around your search. So, when you start search for a query that triggers this new design, you will obtain a handful of expandable snippets with more information below the main featured snippet.

For example, if you search for [iron vs steel] you get the featured snippet main block, this snippet include images, summary of the block and then four additional featured snippets that can be expanded to show you ideas on costs, benefits, weight and durability.

Google said:

These new boards are automatically generated based on our understanding of the subject from content on the web, and we hope you find them useful as they roll out over the next few days.
This update is the latest in a sequence of improvements we've been making to help you get information quickly with Search. As usual, if you have any feedback on the information you see, please let us know via the feedback link at the bottom of the search results page.

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