Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Golang with cloud computing

The emergence of cloud computing has been the most advantageous to businesses. Its minimum up-front costs, industry-leading compute, storage and scalable networking capabilities are attractive reasons for Enterprises to opt for cloud computation. Cloud helps businesses face significant challenges by ensuring the smooth and well-organized performance of applications, websites, infrastructural solutions and more. This can lead to enhanced efficiency, productivity, and agility for the business.

With so much going for Cloud computing, many ventures want to move its existing applications to the cloud or build new ones on the cloud. However, many ventures miss out on one key point, which is checking up on the programming language used to build up their cloud infrastructure. This can be a crucial factor as the performance of cloud applications is a lot dependent on the features of the programming language too.

Though there are quite a lot of options such as SQL, XML, Rails, Haskell, Python and many more for writing a cloud-based application yet Golang is debatably one of the most popular choices. So, though there are several options to choose from let’s tell you why Golang is the best of the lot for Cloud Computing.

  1. Concurrency: This primary point wins Golang the most brownie points. One of the most important advantages of cloud computing is to be able to provide concurrency. Due to this it demands distributed programming so that server does not get trapped serving one user at a time. Various languages handle concurrency, for example, Java handles concurrency by guaranteeing Memory Safety. However, Golang treats Concurrency more efficiently by making it the developer’s job to consider memory safety by creating concurrently performing go routines which then leads to a simple, safe and concurrent programming language.
  2. Short Build time: Golang can achieve the same functionality as any other language with least amount lines of code written. This gets down its build time drastically. For cloud computing applications this is an important factor as Code needs to be written and rewritten constantly. As an effect, businesses can have their applications up and running in no time. Additional, for product applications, the Time to Market is reduced significantly.
  3. Scalable: Cloud applications require being scalable to handle growing number of users. Due to this factor the programming language must also have inherent scalability features. Golang is highly scalable, because of its “goroutines.” Multiple threads are executes concurrently in a quick and reliable manner because of these goroutines. As a result, the applications can hold vast loads of requests as and when the business scales up without demanding further servers. This leads to saved costs and lower investments for the venture.
  4. Scalable: Cloud applications require being scalable to handle growing number of users. Due to this factor the programming language must also have inherent scalability features. Golang is highly scalable, because of its “goroutines.” Multiple threads are executes concurrently in a quick and reliable manner because of these goroutines. As a result, the applications can hold vast loads of requests as and when the business scales up without demanding further servers. This leads to saved costs and lower investments for the venture.

These factors put together make Golang my preferred choice for developing Cloud Applications. If you wish to rent golang developer feel free to contact us.

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